Saturday, January 5, 2013

McKenna's Furniture Compared to Saige's Furniture

There's been a lot of talk about Saige's lack of "furniture"on videos and blogs. I decided to put together this post comparing McKenna's large accessories and furniture with Saige's large accessories and furniture.

McKenna's Beam and Bar
Costed $85

McKenna's Loft Bed
Costed $224

Saige's Horse and Parade Saddle Set
Horse costs $94 and Saddle Set is $38

Saige's Hot Air Balloon Set
Costs $150

So now onto my opinions, McKenna's Beam and Bar set was extremely popular and I think it was a great accessory for her collection. Saige's Horse and her Parade Saddle Set, while we don't yet know how well it will sell, I think it will be a big hit for horse lovers and doll lovers alike. Both of these sets offer good play value and creativity in videos as well. Now onto their "big" piece, McKenna's Loft Bed does come with more accessories than Saige's Hot Air Balloon Set. It doubles as a bed, so that's great as well, but you can't really play with a bed except well, put her to bed. The additional accessories added more fun to it though. Saige's Hot Air Balloon comes with less accessories and has been criticized for not offering play value because it won't actually fly, however with a little imagination I think it's a great product. Dolls and toys aren't meant to necessarily automatically do what their supposed to, it requires creativity on the users end, so while I do think that her Hot Air Balloon could have come with more accessories to add to the play value, I don't see the problem with it not flying automatically. However, it's less than McKenna's Loft Bed was so maybe that's why there are less pieces included. But, if I could choose between one of them, I would pick McKenna's loft bed.
Theses are my opinions and I'd love to hear yours. Leave a comment letting me know what you think about McKenna's accessories compared to Saige's.
Thanks for reading/commenting!

1 comment:

  1. wow..!! you have very nice thoughts. No doubt.i am really impressed by your work.
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