Monday, May 7, 2012

10 subs... Wait 12?!

Heyy, so as this title suggests, I got 10 subscribers on YouTube! I was going to post this yesterday but I forgot. But, when I came home from school today I discovered that I now have 12 subscribers! Thank you all so much! You may be asking what this has to do with AG, but my YouTube channel is all about AG. Occasionally, I will post things about YouTube on here or videos I want to share with you :)
Thanks Again!

P.S. My YouTube account is here:  You can check it out if you'd like :)


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for subscribing me and I subbed you so now we both have some more subs! :) I just got my 11th subscriber today, and I'm sooo excited! I made a celebration stopmotion because of it. Thanks for subscribing!!!!!!! :D


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