Friday, November 2, 2012

Saige GOTY 2013 with Picture

Heyy guys! A photo of the doll Saige is here! Who/where/when the photo was taken by is unknown, and Doll Diaries has the photo on their website. I decided to share my opinion. Here she is:

She's so pretty! She has a fair complexion, different than what most people thought she would have. Since the book description said she lived in New Mexico, people though she would have a more Hispanic complexion. So I must say that I was surprised to see what she looks like. She is very pretty though!! She has blue-ish eyes (2 year in a row!) and brownish hair. I was surprised that she had blue eyes though...McKenna and now Saige do, that's two Girl of the Year's in a row. He hair is brown, although it looks like it has some brownish-red in it. Her meet outfit is very cute. It looks to be two separate pieces, although it may be a dress. Her horse is on the cover with her and you can see the Meet book better here. 
Also, I apologize for not posting in a family's house lost power due to the storm.
So, do you like Saige GOTY 2013? Leave your opinion down below :)


  1. She's so pretty!! That's so cool!! I want her :)

  2. I love Her!!!!! She's sooo pretty!!!!!!!<3

  3. Finally! This is my kind of doll! She looks like a recolor of Alexa ( number 55 ) though.... I'll get her!!! I also have number 39 ( clara )and I should of got McKenna cause she looks alike. Then I would have 2 pairs of twins!

  4. I love, she's really pretty, and I LOVE the freckles. The only thing I don't like is that she's too much like Nicki and Felicity. But that's it. I'm looking forward to getting her.

  5. O-M-G!!! This is perfect. My best friend wants one so bad, but can't find one like her. Not even the M.A.G's. They has the same hair color, same eyes, and has freckles too!!! And this outfit looks like something she would wear.( Hard to believe , yet true!) she has a horse named smokey, and LOVES art. She is PERFECT

  6. Everything about her is perfect! Her beautiful meet outfit, her unique name, her gorgeous blue eyes, and ESPECIALLY the freckles!!!


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