Please Follow These Guidelines To Submit a Photo
- Please resize your photos to anywhere between 400 x 400 to 600 x 600. I like to use PicMonkey for this, but there are others you can use to resize pictures as well.
- Please provide a short description of the picture explaining it or a caption of any kind.
- Keep it appropriate. I expect that anything sent in will be, but just in case, let's keep it "G-Rated". Thanks!
- Doll-related please. For now, I'd really love to see AG related pictures. Maybe in the future I'll accept other types of pictures, but for now since this an American Girl related blog, AG doll pictures only.
- Have fun and be nice. Remember, we're here to have fun and share pictures. Constructive criticism is normally welcomed but in this case only positive comments please. I want this to be a fun way to share pictures. I may in the future make it so that you can give advice however let's keep it all positive for now. And be sure to have fun! :)
Thanks! If you'd like to submit your photo(s), please email them to
In the "Subject" line please put " AG4ever365 Blog Pictures "
I hope to see your pictures soon! If you have any other questions please leave them below or email me.
Can we send in Christmas Related Photos with our dolls